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Welcome to Tyme Matters Tutoring Solutions, Airdrie, Alberta



I am a certified teacher with over 20 years of teaching/administrative experience at the elementary, high school, and college levels and 15 years of private tutoring. My Airdrie-based company began almost years ago out of the desperate cries expressed by parents who have children who are falling further and further behind in their studies at school.  They told stories of their children's high levels of anxiety, frustration, lack of self-confidence, and of the challenges they experienced in the oftentimes, over-sized classrooms. It was disturbing to learn that some classrooms had a 1:45 teacher/student ratio.


 Alberta Education expects students to be successful on Achievement Tests and Diploma Exams that are worth 50% of a student’s overall mark.  It is not a wonder that many students are filled with anxiety and begin to shut down in earlier grades.  Many are falling through the cracks of our education system; they feel their voice is not being heard and/or that their learning needs and challenges are not being met.


In a recent consultation with a parent and child, the parent disclosed that her son was in a split classroom of 52 students.  The noise level in this classroom was very distracting to this student, who already had learning challenges along with having to grasp what the learning assignment was. These learning environments are overwhelming to many, and not conducive to success in learning for m any students. This, unfortunately, is not an isolated experience.


More and more students are falling further and further behind, and they are giving up on school.  More importantly, they are giving up on themselves.  They need help!!  They need support!!   They need Tyme Matters Tutoring Solutions, Airdrie, Alberta.


This is a bit about how, and why, I began Tyme Matters Tutoring Solutions.  I wanted to be a part of the team of a community of people, that are there to support and grow those who struggled in their studies and have lost confidence in their ability to be successful.

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